Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Digital Signage, an ever growing dynamic venue for broadcasts and advertising.

Posted by Sarina D. - Alttrix Digital Media (ADM) 

Digital signage is a sub category of signage. Digital signs are more frequently used in placemaking, wayfinding, public installations, outdoor advertisement and marketing. Digital signs display contents such as video streaming media, digital images and information by the use of projection, LED and LCD.  Digital signs are found mostly in public spaces, museums, retail stores, restaurants, hotels, transportation systems and corporate buildings. 
Digital signage use content management system and digital media distribution system for display. These can run either from simple PC, from different servers or from national media hosting providers for efficient transmission. Digital signage content can be easily uploaded and updated. This is because of real world interface provides accompanying employments in the form of image capture, touch screens and movement detection. These are easy to understand that who and how users can interact with them. This is the reason for the acceptance of digital signage over static signage.
Sports Broadcast along with Appetizing Advertisements. 

Digital signage has specific use in out of home advertisement in which advertisements and contents are easily uploaded and then displayed on Digital signage. In this way messages are transferred to the desired places very easily and in specific time. Due to this specific functionality it is often known as “Digital out of Home”.

In digital signage content refers to anything that is designed to display on screens to advertise specific things. The content may include images, videos, animations, texts and sometime interfaces as well. In additional to all this installation of digital signage is somewhat sophisticated and it needs contents that is useful for user to get back its investment. All the content is designed by specialist companies and firms such as Arsenal media, Digital kitchen and united field. 

To ensure the correct message displayed at specific time regular content update is required time by time. This can be done by two different ways; it may be manual or through digital data feed system. Both of these methods are impressive and don’t require further proof reading.
Digital signs required different hardware to deliver their message frequently. Its components mostly include screens, media players and content management server to maintain all the required content within given domain and within given time. These entire gather to make a perfect signage and then its content management server will be connected with media player over a network. These all work in series that is one content management server has the ability to support multiple media players and in return one media player can manage more than on screen at a time. In this way digital signage is better than static signage. In this way single digital signage can combine all three functions in a single device and no network plug in is required. In addition to all the advantages digital signage has some more advantages over static signage such as it runs on a variety of media operating systems such as Linux, Android and windows as well.

Digital signage is getting fame because of the latest technologies used such as three dimensional screens (3D), with glasses or without glasses. Along with three D digital signage also support LCD, Plasma screens, LED screens, projectors and other emerging media devices. In digital signage digital audiovisual contents are reproducing on TV screens. This can be done by the introduction of various audio video soft wares’ and hardware’s. Digital signage in now popular with the advent of latest technologies and it has completely replaced the original static signage. It can support latest technologies and people want to have broad and new look on their screens with the help of digital signage.

For more information on how ADM can help you generate additional advertising revenue, control media content and provide exciting broadcasts. Please don't to contact us at:
888-296-3350 ext 715

Friday, July 18, 2014

Burn Victims to get New Skin with the same technology that is found in Ink-jet Printer

Most of the people today, have never thought of that there is something common between the humble ink-jet printer and the device used in the medical field. However, researchers from North Carolina-based Wake Forest University were a game to try something new with the Ink-jet Printer technology. In the process, they came up with a technique for regenerating burnt skin by spraying new cells and proteins on skin burns for enabling the skin to heal faster. Obviously the spraying is done with the same technology that is used in an ink-jet printer.

Bio Printing Technology uses laserjet
The device developed by them consists of a laser unit that assesses the exact size and shape of the burn area. The next step is spraying of proteins and new cells in that specific area. In view of the difficulty in moving burn victims, the combined unit is affixed on a frame which can be moved or wheeled across the bed in the hospital, thereby doing away with the need to move the burn patient a lot. Considerable precision in implanting the specific type of cells can be achieved with this system. Not only the precise variety of cells is lodged in the specific area, even spraying of precise quantities of such cells can be monitored with this technology. This technology of spraying cells is, for now, referred to as bioprinting.

Just to name a few members of the team- Kyle Binder is one of the students who helped to design this bioprinting device. George Christ is the professor at the school for regenerative medicine.

So far the technology has been tested on mice. There are various types of skin cells, such as keratinocytes, and fibroblasts. It is necessary to ensure that precise type of cell is sprayed in position. Researchers extracted these cells and multiplied them under laboratory conditions. Thereafter, these cells were sprayed in layers, i. e., first the fibroblasts layer, followed by keratinocytes layer. Some stem cells were also used. Because of the stem cells, the eventual results were such that it was hard to distinguish where the burns were since the tissue easily blended with other parts of the skin in the surroundings including sebaceous glands and follicles.
HP 3D Printers launched in June 2014
The technique would replace conventional skin grafting, which is not only time consuming and painful, but also takes much longer for recovery.  Mice that were subjected to treatment in this fashion took two to three weeks to recover merely, whereas others that were treated conventionally took five weeks to recover. 
Researchers intend to approach the US FDA for trying the technology on human beings. The technology may also be effective in closing another type of wounds. To this end, research is being conducted by the team along with U.S. Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine for treating the wounds of soldiers. 

People with massive burns are likely to die in a fortnight if their wound is left open for too long because of infections. Usually, skin grafting needs to be done promptly and it can be painful. Not only will this printing of skin ensure prompt recovery, it would also ensure that there are little marks of wound or burn remaining on the skin at the end of the treatment.

Posted by Jason Williams - ALTTRIX Digital